Automotive Industry Senior Expert Innoway Consulting, Exclusive M&A Partner of Dinamo
Mr. Baybali has served as a Board Member and Chairman of the Auditing Board of TAYSAD - Automotive Supplier Association of Turkey between 2006 and 2013. Between 2013 and 2020, he also acted as Executive Officer of TAYSAD and restructured the whole organization to meet the expectations of its members with high international awareness.
With experience of 35+ years in the Automotive Industry, Mr. Baybali is the founder of Innoway Consulting Co, which is closely following the automotive eco-system in the US, Europe, China, and Turkey, whereas Mobility, Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Connected-Autonomous-Shared Economy and Electric Vehicles are the main interest areas.
Mr. Baybali also acts as Vice President of the Turkish Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association (www.cinisder.org.tr), aiming to support the technology transfer and business interactions between China and Turkey. He also supports the 'One Belt One Road – OBOR ‘ initiation within the scope of the Project.
He also believes that universities, research institutions, industry, public institutions, and local administrations must collaborate on PPP projects for public benefit, considering the accumulating Mobility and Smart City solutions in Mega-Cities.