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Financial Performance Management Consulting


To establish a financial infrastructure that aligns with the company's sustainable growth objectives, develop a comprehensive financial performance management approach, identify and analyze risks, propose solutions, and implement measures to enhance profitability and efficiency within the business model. Following the analysis, the goal is to address identified financial needs effectively and establish monitoring and reporting systems.

Service Content

1. Financial Analysis and Recommendations

Conduct financial analyses based on the financial statements and pro forma cash flow projections to provide recommendations aimed at enhancing profitability, increasing company value, and accelerating capital return.

2. Financial Performance Analysis by Profit Centers

Carry out financial performance analysis for various profit centers within the company, such as different production lines, stores, or products.

3. Credit Limit Review and Financing Support

Support the revision of existing credit limits and/or secure new credit through necessary preparations and negotiations with financial institutions during the consultancy period.

4. Optimization of Financial Resources

To meet the needs and achieve growth as planned, work to source and secure financial resources on the most favorable terms and with optimal maturities. This includes:- Working capital requirements- Cash and non-cash credit facilities- Leasing, receivables insurance, and other financial instruments

5. Investment of Idle Funds

Develop alternative investment recommendations to effectively utilize idle funds.

6. Cash Flow and Integrated Budget Management

Design, implement, and oversee a model to monitor and report cash flow effectively. Establish an integrated budget management system infrastructure to support this function.

7. Risk Identification and Management

Identify, analyze, and propose solutions for risks affecting performance, and work to develop management strategies.

8. Support for Alternative Business Models

Provide support for the development of alternative business models to achieve growth, profitability, increased company value, and improved liquidity.

©2024, founded by Dinamo Consulting.

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